Welcome To MoProClean!

We’ll clean it RIGHT or we’ll clean it TWICE!
We value your business at MoProClean. Your satisfaction is very important to us. If, for some reason, you are unhappy with the services we provide just let us know!
24-Hour Guarantee
If for any reason you’re unsatisfied with an area we cleaned, let us know within 24 hours and we’ll re-clean the area at no charge. We do it right or we do it TWICE! We are committed to your satisfaction.
On Time Guarantee
Our employees are trained to be on time for your cleaning. If for any reason we do not arrive at the originally scheduled time, or we initiate a reschedule, you will receive 10% off your cleaning.
Free Supplies
We bring our own supplies if you don’t have any! We don’t charge extra for General Cleaning supplies such as rags, soap, scrubber brushes, paper towels, bleach, window cleaner, wood cleaner, mops, and more.
No Contracts
We’re only as good as the last cleaning we did for you. We never ask you for a commitment or contractual obligation. Cancel or suspend service at any time for any reason. No contracts. No hassle
Reliable & Fully Insured
Our cleaning crews arrive on time and in uniform with everything they need to clean your home. Additionally homeowners can take comfort knowing all of our maids receive a thorough background check and are fully insured.

Is your cleaning company COVID ready?
Is Your Cleaning Company COVID-Ready? In the age of COVID, your cleaning company can never be too careful. To be COVID-ready, your organization should craft, approve and adopt a pandemic policy to be followed by your employees, partners, collaborators, contractors,...
Is your cleaning company HIPAA ready?
Is Your Cleaning Company HIPAA-Ready? As a commercial cleaner operating in a hospital or medical facility, if your cleaning crew is exposed to patient data in their work sessions, they may need to be HIPAA-compliant. Namely, your cleaning company may need to adhere to...
Clean towels should be folded the right way
Clean Towels Should Be Folded The Right Way Whether in a hotel, motel, lodge, inn, private club, hair or nail salon, spa, casino, restaurant or other forms of hospitality, freshly or long-time laundered towels will be part of the hygienic landscape and must be...